Saturday, 30 May 2015

The Great Outdoor Playground

If you're out and about (or oot and aboot)
in Scotland you may see the Anderson family wandering around.

It's what we do in our free time: explore the great outdoor playground!

This is the Buckie Harbour wall.

It's a reeeaaaallly long wall.

We like to gawk at the boats there.

Our destination: the lighthouse at the end of the wall.

We climbed to the top of the wall,

For great views...

That took our breath away!

Sometimes I don't have the correct exposure on my camera.
And sometimes I don't bother editing.

Ok, it's most of the time with both of those.

It's a big wall!

Once you get to the lighthouse, 

it's pretty big too.

The kids hated being on the end of the pier.
It was a bit scary. 

Sometimes when I attempt to edit 
and because of my ISO settings I have wonkiness going on.
Photography is hard.

Wanna know why it's a little freaky out there?

Because we've seen this happen during a winter storm!
Same harbour, same lighthouse.

I think I'll reiterate my fear of waves.
Waves creep me out more than anything else on the planet.
I mean, look at that!
Doesn't that strike terror in your heart?!
A daily chore of mine living here on the coast is to keep a watchful eye for tsunamis.

That's right. 
I know all the telltale signs to watch for.
Norway, I'm keeping my eye on you-- 
and any earthquake shiftiness that could contribute to a killer wave on MY doorstep.

We're officially done with school and on summer holiday so check back, I'm sure we have many more adventures to be had!

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