Thursday, 10 October 2013

Happy 7th Birthday Caedmon!

Last week we celebrated Caedmon's 7th birthday! I can't believe 7 years ago how much my life changed and how I instantly fell in love with a little boy I had never met but known for 9 months. Truly I believe that through our children we get a glimpse of the Father's great love for us. 

Love this picture--Mark seeing Caedmon for the first time.

Here's some highlights from the day:

On Thursday night Mark and I stayed up to finish Caedmon's Lego cake. I love doing cakes for my family, it's fun. No matter what the cake looks like they love it! 
It would NOT be fun to do for a living, plus you have to be a whole lot more polished and professional!

Wednesday, 9 October 2013


She's turned! No version needed today, Sally Pink turned by herself sometime in the night. 
Thanks for all the prayers, we have a midwife doing a house-call Friday to make sure baby girl is still in position, other than that we wait until next Wednesday when it's induction time!

Momma and little spinning Sally Pink.

Tuesday, 8 October 2013

8 October Scan and News

In our scan today we found out some good news and bad news:
First the cyst and brain deformity are the same with no changes. This is the news we've had since June, we just have the name "Dandy-Walker" now to attach to it.

Next the good news: the ventricles that allow the spinal fluid to move freely around the brain are normal looking and are not showing any signs of blockage. This means there is not hydrocephalus (water on the brain). While we're not out of the woods from this condition it is a good sign that it has not occurred.

The bad news: Sally Pink has turned herself breech. Baby's should not do this at 37 weeks of pregnancy because of their size--the Anderson girls have not gotten this memo apparently. We had a few options and have chosen to have an external cephalic version (or version) done. A version takes place in the hospital with careful monitoring of the baby. A doctor will come in and essentially turn the baby with his hands so she is again head-down. This all sounds so familiar as exactly 4 and a half years ago I went through this with a little girl named Caithness! I'm grateful for that experience as we face a nearly identical situation now.

Tomorrow morning we will go into the hospital and have this done. If the procedure is successful we will induce Miss Sally Pink in the afternoon next Wednesday, October 16th. If the version is not successful we have opted to go with a Caesarean section. While attempting a breech birth is possible we feel that in light of the circumstances surrounding this precious girls' birth that a safer route would be a c-section.

Once Sally Pink gets here her cord blood will go for genetic testing to determine if her deformity is a result of a chromosomal problem. The first test they will do takes around 3 days to have results and will only check specific chromosomes. The complete test results will come back in usually 3 weeks. This means we have another month of possible uncertainties. We will continue to ask you, our dear family and friends, to keep lifting up our baby in prayer before the Father.

As Mark and I made the nearly 2 hour drive home from Aberdeen today we were discussing and processing all that has occurred. I told Mark I haven't felt "peace" in a long time, since June as a matter of fact. I feel as if I'm living in a dream--and not a good dream either. But then what if my view of what peace is is skewed?
I think my "comfort zone" is what I sometimes consider to be peace. Everyone is happy and healthy, there's no storms of life or trials...isn't this what I considered to be peace? But Mark said, "what about the peace that passes all understanding" (Philippians 4.7)? True peace, God-given peace, isn't about our comfort zone. It isn't about life going exactly the way we planned, it's about a peace that can only come from God and His Holy Spirit in us. True peace should "pass all understanding."
It's easy to have peace when all the world is as is should be. But when you hear the words, "We've found a spot on your baby's brain..." "The cancer has returned..." "There isn't a job available at this time..." that is the time that our faith is put into action. We find peace, not in the comfort of easy living, but in spite of the trials that surround us.

So above all, pray for a miracle with our baby girl, and next please pray that our family continues to seek peace that passes all understanding.

Mark & Jordan